Category Archives: Home Care


By Sheetal Kabra Having taken the path myself, I have realized that adopting a natural and chemical free home care regime need not be an expensive affair. There are plenty of options suiting different budgets that are available in the market. However, if you are confused, or still haven’t found the right product suiting your […]

Natural & Safe Home Cleaning Products and Solutions

By Sheetal Kabra I have in my previous posts already highlighted the dangers of using commercial chemical based detergents and home cleaning products for both our health and the environment. Use of natural and chemical free home cleaning products is the need of the hour. This is the only way we can not just protect […]

Are your home cleaning products keeping you healthy or are slowly killing you?

– By Soujanya Padikkal & Sheetal Kabra Maintaining a clean house is an important factor for a healthy life. A variety of home care products like detergents, sprays, bleach, air fresheners, toilet cleaners, disinfectants etc are used by us to help keep our house clean and hygienic. But are they actually taking care of our […]


Life is all about the choices we make  and I believe that holds true even for  the products  we use . Right from the tooth paste we use in the morning to the cleaning products we use to keep germs at bay,these choices  impact not just our health but that of the environment too.  It […]

I Wish, I Had Known This Earlier – by Dr. S. G Kabra

I Wish, I Had Known This Earlier – A True story written by Dr. S. G. Kabra My cell phone buzzed. I responded. “Hello?” “Hello.” It was a lady’s voice at the other end. “May I speak to Dr. Kabra please?” “This is Dr. Kabra.” “Dr.S.G.Kabra?” “Yes.” “Doctor Sahib, I am Mrs. Solanki from Bhatinda.” […]

Earthy Sapo’s Ethos – Our key differentiating factors

If you have read about us, you would now be familiar with how Earthy Sapo was born. How it evolved from passion and without a business plan! Earthy Sapo is a representation of its founder, Sheetal’s beliefs & her way of living and so are its business philosophies. Sheetal has listed down her business philosophies […]