Category Archives: Soap Making

Myths About Handmade Soap

We use soap every day and cleaning is the initial step with regards to dealing with your personal care. When you clean your body or skin properly then the rest follows. We all know why handmade natural soaps are superior to commercial soaps which are detergents in camouflage. Yet there are few myths prevailing about […]

Everything you need to know about natural soap!

by Sheetal Kabra We at Earthy Sapo, make soaps the traditional way. What exactly does the term traditional soap making mean?  Soap, by definition, is the result of a chemical reaction between an acid (fats & oils of plant or animal origin) & an alkali (lye or sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide). This chemical reaction […]

Quit thinking about the PH value of soap! Take these steps to focus on your skin needs.

We have been asked several times about the pH value of handmade soaps. We tell them only one thing – the truth & fact that the PH of handmade soaps is mostly in the range of 8-10. But this doesn’t convince them, on the contrary, it alarms them! “Oh! Is PH close to 10? It […]